Coordination mechanisms in Coronavirus management between different levels of government and public policy sectors in 15 European countries

Overview of the project

The political and administrative management of the healthcare crisis provoked by the COVID 19 is a key issue in preventing the spread of the disease. The Mc-COVID 19 project is set to analyse the socio-sanitary co-ordination procedures in the context of institutionalized older-age care (age group that appears particularly vulnerable in this epidemic context), in Spain as well as in the rest of the EU-15. This study focuses on the articulation of resources between health and social policies, and aim to contribute to improve the effectiveness of the decision-making process and crucial aspects in the fight against the pandemic. Findings also aim to be useful to inform other public policy sectors involved in crisis-related situations.

Objective 1

To understand what has happened, what is happening, and what could happen in the near future on the management of nursing homes and long-term care in Europe.

Objective 2

To make decisions and implement them in a co-ordinated manner, assessing the collective efforts necessary to respond to the crisis, and to secure their coherent application.

Objective 3

Socially constructing the "definition" of the crisis, which, regardless of other implications, and in terms of public management, can have important consequences in shortening or lengthening the duration of the crisis by reducing or broadening the objectives of the results pursued.

This project has received funding from the Spanish National Research Council (CSIC) within the framework of the CSIC-COVID-19 program.

It has also benefited from the GoWPER project: "The Restructuring of Welfare State Governance: Political Determinants and Implications for the (De)Commodification of Risks" CSO2017-85598-R R&D Spanish National Plan.